Friday, January 22, 2010

WEEK 3: Clear

The Internet and the World Wide Web, those are some immense words in yesterdays, todays, and tomorrow’s world. The Internet and the World Wide Web have revolutionized our lives. They have made our lives easy in so many ways. Everyone with an access to the internet and the World Wide Web can pretty much do everything. You can just sit home and work, shop, trade, communicate, get educated, and whatever pops up in to your head.

The Internet, in simplest terms, is the large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. These computers are connected by phone lines, fiber optic lines, coaxial cable, satellites, and wireless connections. Some common ways of connecting to the Internet include:

  • Internet service provider (ISP) by modem
  • Internet ready cable
  • digital subscriber line (DSL)
  • simply turning on your computer which is on a network at work or school connected to the Internet

Once you are connected to the Internet you are able to do many things. You can send and receive e-mail. You can chat with text or voice. You can browse the World Wide Web. And you can perform countless other tasks with the appropriate software.

For more information on the Internet:

World Wide Web, many people confuse this world with the internet. World Wide Web actually is a service of the Internet. World Wide Web or web is pretty much a collection of electronic documents. Each document is called a webpage. On that webpage, we have texts, visuals, audio, and graphics. There are two types of web pages, static meaning fixed and dynamic meaning changing. A Web site is a collection of related Web pages to your computer that delivers requested Web pages to your computer. The Web is the combination of four ideas, hypertext, resource identifiers, the client, and web browser. At its core, the Web is made up of three standards, URL, http, and html. Without the web we don’t have some the luxuries we enjoy today, e-mails, chatting, video conferences, shopping, entertainment, and in everyday college kids life…no Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter.

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